Sign up if you're groovy!

I write all emails. No AI.

I send mail when there's something to say, which is usually about a gig/tour, a release, an offer or some music news. I make the subject obvious, so you can open what you're interested in. E-mail is now the ONLY way to reach people without paying. Social media now makes you PAY to reach your followers, offering only a small % of visibility without paying. So I am trying very hard to make my mailing list a nice place to be, and worthwhile. There will be subscriber only stuff and discounts, from time to time.


If you 'd like gig emails to be relevant to the places you go out, or visit, please add a town, city, county, country (whatever is relevant to you) and I will do my best to make those emails reflect that. You can of course put 'NONE' or 'EVERYTHING' if you are not a gig person or are just curious about all shows!